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Thank you!

On Saturday, September 8, 2018 we had our Fall pothole day.  “Fun In The Sun”.   Four tons of patch were applied to the road way in under four hours! Despite having compactors break 4 times the task was completed.  There are a few patches remaining to be filled but they can be done with a smaller crew.

Sincerest thanks go out to all members who were able to take the time to help. It was truly a gratifying feeling to have so much help.

Thank you to,  Rick Ramponi, Robbie Larson, Deanna Larson, Jim Erricolo, Charlie Croteau, Dave Forslind, Steve McDougal , Glenn Oswald,  Avis Bennet, Susan Gill, Melissa Mercier, Bob Hilliard and to those who stepped up for Sunday if necessary.

The Mail House was cleaned as well, thanks to Sue and Avis.

Best Regards,