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Notice of Spring Meeting 2021, Paving Update & BOD Meeting Minutes

Dear LSIA Homeowners,

We hope you are well and that you and your family’s continue to be healthy and safe. Below are updates as it relates to meeting minutes, paving, the board and more.

Board Meeting Minutes
Below, please find a link to the approved Board Meeting Minutes from May 2, 2021.
LSIA Board Meeting Minutes

Spring Meeting
The Spring Meeting will take place on Saturday, May 29, 2021 at 9:00AM at Beach 2. Registration begins at 8:30AM.

We are working with the paving company to finalize a date for the work. We are anticipating the last week of May, but that is not set in stone. Once a date is given to us, we will communicate that to our members via email, Facebook, the website and postings are the mail house.

Beach Committee
We are looking for volunteers to lead a committee that will oversee our association beaches. More information will be provided at the spring meeting. If you are interested, please email the board at [email protected].

OPEN Board Position
A position on the board will be open in the fall. If anyone is interested in learning more or would like to be considered for this role, please contact the board at [email protected].

Annual & Special Assessment Reminder
As a reminder, annual and special assessments were due February 1, 2021. Those who have an outstanding balance are asked to please submit your payment ASAP.

As always, if you should have any questions, please contact the board at [email protected].

Thank you,