Canada Geese are beautiful birds. Unfortunately, they are known for having a few ugly habits. But, what is uglier is that humans are unwittingly encouraging these habits.
Although most people find a few geese along the shoreline of a lake, pond, river, or stream acceptable, problems quickly develop as the number of birds increase and when the birds no longer migrate, becoming permanent residents. These problems include: overgrazing of grass and ornamental plants; accumulation of droppings and feathers; attacks on humans by aggressive birds; and the fouling of water bodies, swimming areas, docks, lawns, and recreational areas. Flocks of geese and other waterfowl also feed on a variety of crops.
These birds require fresh water for resting and nesting and tender young grass and other succulent vegetation for food. The plentiful, well-manicured lawns of residential neighborhoods, corporate business areas, parks, airports, and golf courses provide excellent habitat. Geese can easily become accustomed to people and residential areas. Additionally, the feeding of waterfowl by humans contributes to conflicts with humans. Probably without even realizing it, most of us, particularly those of us who live along the water, are putting out a “Welcome” mat to these majestic birds.
The Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 protects all native waterfowl in the United States, including migratory and resident Canada geese. Under this law, it is illegal to hunt, kill, sell, purchase, or possess migratory birds except as permitted by regulations enforced by the U.S. Department of Interior’s Fish and Wildlife Service.
Canada geese and human conflicts are on the rise in the Granite State. It is no secret—Canada geese have become problematic in some areas of New Hampshire. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Wildlife Services Program, which provides federal leadership and expertise to resolve wildlife conflicts that threaten the Nation’s agricultural and natural resources, human health, safety and property, has determined that the Canada goose population in the Granite State exceeds what is possible to provide for a balanced relationship between humans and the geese.
Multiple management techniques are needed to achieve an optimal balance. Using an integrated approach of nonlethal and lethal methods, the USDA Wildlife Services Program helps individuals, local governments, businesses, and others manage waterfowl in ways that best balance the positive value of bird populations with the conflicts that they sometimes cause. Long-term waterfowl management results require multiple tools, each effective for different concerns. Exclusive use of only one tool will not have a long-term impact. The management techniques they recommend include lethal and non-lethal methods, as follows:
Remove the welcome mat!
NH LAKES recommends that all property owners along the edges of lakes, ponds, rivers, and streams, make their property unattractive to geese by simply not having a lawn that extends to the shoreline. The best and easiest thing to do is plant a vegetated buffer, at least three feet high, comprised of native shrubs and bushes along your entire shoreline. Not only will you discourage the geese from visiting, you will make your property more attractive while reducing the amount of polluted water that runs off of your property and into the lake!
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