We are writing to inform you of some upcoming work being done by Eversource in the next couple of weeks. The arborist for Eversource is onsite pruning trees around utility poles. These poles are going to be replaced over the next couple of weeks.
Additionally, we are planning a fall roadside cleanup to allow the safe passage of vehicles as well as prepping for the removal of snow for the upcoming winter season. Our focus will be on the road between the mail house and Meaderboro Road. The tentative date has been set for Saturday, November 9th at 8:00 AM. We understand that this is short notice, but if you are able and willing to attend, please plan to meet us at the mail house at 7:45 AM.
Items that are needed:
- Brush Cutters
- Leaf Blower(s)
- Work gloves
- Weed Whacker(s)
We plan to work in groups of three. One will be cutting small saplings and brush; one will be stacking the brush onto a tractor to be brought to staging areas and one will be blowing leaves further into the woods.
The more volunteers we have the quicker and more efficient the job will be. No special skills are required. Any help is greatly appreciated.
If you need additional info or have any questions, please contact [email protected]
Thank you!
LSIA Board of Directors.