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Hi Everyone ~

We know this is short notice, but we wanted to let you all know that this Thursday July 7th & Friday, July 8th the three beaches will be getting a SMALL but much needed facelift for the rest of this summer.  They will be starting the cleanup on Beach 3 first at 8am, then Beach 2, then Beach 1.  They will be dropping off the sand for each beach tomorrow Thursday, July 7th.

Could you please spread the word to anyone who is not receiving these email updates or able to go on the LSIA website or Facebook.

We will be working together to put a plan in place to have the beaches maintained yearly.  We will also still need volunteers in the spring for the beach clean ups. Everyone’s help and time volunteering with the beaches and roads are always appreciated!

**We are also waiting for a start date for the upcoming roadwork and will keep you posted as soon as we have an exact date.

Thank you!