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Beach Access – Residents ONLY


We have had several complaints recently about non-residents from Rochester and Farmington coming in to use our beaches. As a homeowner/community member you are empowered and have every right to stop and ask anyone if the live in the community and if not are they accompanied by a homeowner or renter occupant. If they are not supposed to be there then they are to be told they are Trespassing on private association property. If they refuse to leave then the police must be called. The board is happy to follow up on any of these complaints but little can actually be done after the fact. Lancelot Shores can issue all the decals and beach passes they want but if the community as a whole is not going to help enforce these rules there really is little we can do.

13767346_1031709110258126_8665576367697242414_oOn Beach 2 today a picnic table was found sitting out in the middle of the water. That is just unacceptable. A big THANK YOU to whomever took it out of the water for us this morning and to Jennifer MacIsaac and her boys for helping to bring it further back up on to shore. Very much appreciated!!