Dear Members,
Again we had a successful day, October 6, filing pot holes. Every time I order four, six, or ten tons of material I get worried no one will show to help. But in the tradition of the members of Lancelot Shores, they come through to save the day! I am truly grateful! Thank You goes to all who came out and did a fantastic job. Thank you. Thank you.
We got a jump on the project with the help of Deanna Larson, Robbie Larson, we cleaned the road the day before. Thank you.
Bob Hilliard, Marty Dinneen, Art Cavnaugh, Rick Ramponi, Tom Blair, Gordon Mooney, Paul Vaughan, Steve Petruska, and if I missed someone, thank you!
Some had to leave early, but while here working, they pitched right in and gave it all they had. We are achieving the goal of putting down over 1.5 tons of material per hour! That is incredible! Thank you also to Andy Clemento for providing lunch.
It getting cold, looks like we are in for a cold season, and starting way to soon! If you need assistance this winter please send a note to INFO@LANCELOTSHORES.COM. When it is received the board will get a copy.
Hopefully one of us is available to assist you.
Button up that overcoat!